edna should have gone to paris

writing in san francisco

13 September 2005

my first blog ever...

We'll see how long I can keep it up! Thanks to the inspiration of Urmila, I've decided to start my own blog. Maybe by emptying the ramblings in my head, as good writers are supposed to do, I will hope not to sleep better but to not have to sleep so much. I think the churnings of my head weigh me down.
So the good news is that I completed a 14-mile run today. And I had energy to spare and was booking it pretty quick at the end. So I am feeling more confident as the marathon approaches. I am definitely tired and am currently icing my shins, but I feel good.

To explain my blog's title: it is from a discussion in my literature class. We are studying expatriates of the 1920's who went to Paris, such as Gertrude Stein, Ernest Hemingway, James Joyce. We've spent a lot of time so far talking about the women of the Left Bank and why they were there. Mainly it was so they could be artists and lesbians in a culture that didn't condemn them for it. My professor was telling us about a time in a previous class when they were discussing Edna, the main character in Kate Chopin's The Awakening. She asked them what Edna's choices were, rather than choosing to do what she did (I won't give it away to those who want to read it someday...it's very good) and a student said, "Edna should have gone to Paris." She could have been free there. I loved that statement, so I am working on a short story with that title. I feel free here now too. So thanks to that student and hooray for Paris!

Countdown to the marathon: 40 days


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