edna should have gone to paris

writing in san francisco

03 October 2005

crap jobs

Back in SF, I have decided to quit my job at the natural food store. The manager is mean with a capital M. It's just not worth it. I am working way too much and when I pointed out that she scheduled me for more hours than I can work, she told me that my schedule was very hard to work around and that she would like a little support and respect in return. What? She scheduled me for 30 hours in 4 days when I was quite clear about only being able to work 10-15 hours a week. I also changed my flight to Philadelphia for my cousin's wedding from Thursday to Friday just so I could work Thursday. I was barely going to make the rehearsal dinner. (Since my decision I have changed my flight back to Thursday.) I consider that a pretty big compromise. And she made a comment about giving me an opportunity and giving me a job...I'm sorry - I don't consider working at a grocery store a privilege! I consider it a necessity I can fulfill elsewhere. Poo on you lady! If you only hired me because you had an immediate need, and not because you actually wanted to work with me, don't complain to me about it and you might want to treat me a little more nicely, and good luck finding someone else you can train in 20 minutes! Not bitter at all I tell you...she sucks.


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