edna should have gone to paris

writing in san francisco

12 October 2005


So yesterday, I spent the afternoon running. Not that I went for a run yesterday afternoon, but I spent the afternoon running. Three and a half hours. From 1:50 - 5:25. Oh my god. I didn't think it was possible. Days until the marathon (for which I finally feel prepared): 11

I turned in my first graduate English paper yesterday. I have never worked so hard on a six-page paper before! And I didn't even stay up all night! (MAT work sample, anyone?) I still got five hours of sleep. I wrote about Glenway Wescott, a very revered but unknown American writer of the expatriate 20's. I wrote about the homosexual undertones in his novel The Pilgrim Hawk. It was so interesting! I really hope it's a good paper because I spent a lot of time on it.

I have been offered a job as a middle school tutor! Yay! I'll be working two afternoons a week. I won't earn as much as I would have at the natural food store because the hours are so few, but it will certainly supplement and my stress levels will be greatly reduced.

After my hectic weeks of paper-writing and working at the evil store, my apartment is a disaster and I feel in desperate need of a facial, a massage, a yoga class, and sleep....If only I were rich. I will have to make do with Kaia and Lost: Season 1. Which, come to think of it, actually sounds pretty good.

Days until Ian gets to see my life in San Francisco: 9


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