edna should have gone to paris

writing in san francisco

19 October 2005


I have a few things I would like to rant about:

Harriet Miers. Scariest-looking woman alive. What is up with that eye-liner? I don't trust her one bit. I don't think she's nearly as Democratic as she seems and I don't understand why Republicans are so up in arms about her. She's hiding something, and she and Bush are up to no good, in my opinion. I am scared for the future of individual rights and women's rights. How could someone so unqualified be asked to be on the Supreme Court? You all know how I feel about Bush...idiot.

I've been reading about the woman from Little Rock, Arkansas, who just had her 16th child. I remember reading about her last year when she had her 15th child. Are you kidding me? She and her husband, a Senator or some form of politician, are conservative Christians who say that each child is a blessing from God. And they want more! Imagine if she had one child biologically and then adopted 15 more. 15 children would now have a home and a loving family. Even having six biologically and adopting 10 would be better than what they're doing. I don't think government should regulate how many children people could have (I guess I hope that people would have enough of a conscience to realize they are destroying the planet by contributing to overpopulation), but what a shame. In families that big, the older siblings are the ones who take care of everyone else, because there is no way a mother can adequately care for 16 children. Is that fair to the older kids? The God I know sees adoption as a pretty big blessing (I love you Levi!). Not to mention that all 16 of these kids have names that start with "J,"including Jedediah and Jinger. Ugh. Apparently this family sees kids as a blessing as long as those kids are theirs. Idiots.

Ah, Muni. My beloved Muni bus. Could I use you as my main transportation for the next two years and still remain sane? We shall see...My questions is this: Why would someone, when there are ROWS of empty seats around me, sit in the seat right next to me? Crowded bus - sure, no problem. But I was literally irritated to the bone. Where there is enough of it, because it happens so rarely on Muni, I want my space! I don't particularly want to brush elbows with a stranger when it is unnecessary. But this person sat next to me, pushing me against the wall of the bus, and there were more than 10 empty seats around me. So weird. And why, Muni, why are you always so late and sporadic? If I can get a seat and read and ignore the claustrophobia being created around me, I am okay. But I sure am frustrated when the bus doesn't show up. We'll see how I feel in two years...

In other news, Juan's murderer was caught. He was 19 years old. A shame. I am hoping for both justice and rehabilitation.

I have too much to do and too little time...My goal is to post at least once a week. Keep me honest!

Days until the marathon: 4


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