edna should have gone to paris

writing in san francisco

24 October 2005

running...a lot

Well, the marathon is complete. I must say that it went better than expected and I am proud. I was in so much pain afterwards - a volunteer actually came up to me right after I passed the finish line to ask if I was okay - but it is subsiding quickly. I iced my knees yesterday and they don't hurt at all today! The last three miles were brutal, but I was spurred on by the crowd, a loud cheer from a good friend, the thought of Ian waiting for me at the end, and, eventually, the sight of the finish line. It went by pretty fast actually, though in the moment those last few miles were endless. I am thankful that I never really hit a wall, I just got a bit tired about mile 22. I didn't walk at all! During long runs I take a stretch and fluid break, about one minute, every four miles, and I did that five times. Other than that, I was running. This has been one of my life-long goals, so to have achieved it is quite exciting. Now I just need to work on that novel...

I am heading to Philadelphia this weekend for my cousin's wedding. I am really excited to see everyone, and I'll get to see my sister and Pops. I am just feeling a little stressed with schoolwork and trying to see people. When I first got here, I was reading two books a week and watching movies leisurely. I haven't read a book outside of class in almost four weeks! Agh! I love love love seeing people on the weekends and hanging out, but it has been difficult not having that time to catch up on sleep and work. And before I know it, my evenings are taken up with visiting, running errands, or attending plays, etc. I need to plan a different schedule next semester.

All in all, I am ridiculously happy. I have an air of feeling let down though, as I got to experience what it would be like to have Ian here - the combination of my two perfect worlds - and now he is back in SLC. It's quite depressing. I wish I could have him and school in the same place. Soon, soon, I hope.


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